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Giving Guitar

Plaque and Aisle Naming Opportunity

Legacy Naming Opportunity

Sponsor a plaque on our Giving Guitar and name an aisle in our warehouse. Each month over 1M pounds of food is distributed to our communities because of generous donors like you.

Leave your imprint by naming a aisle within our warehouse, so every day is a reminder of your incredible generosity.

$10,000 (equivalent to 6,300 meals)
Only FIVE opportunities are available

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact

Kaylin Wasilchuk, Corporate Philanthropy Manager

631.582.3663 ext. 104  | KWasilchuk@licares.org

Thank you for helping us continue Harry Chapin’s mission to end hunger on Long Island.

Use the scroll bar on the side of this form. Please fill in all required fields.


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