Heroes Among Us
Friday, Oct. 7th
Huntington Hilton | 585 Broad hollow Road |Melville, NY 11747
9:00 am Opening Remarks
8:15 am – 8:55 am Registration
We accept payments by check online! Just select Bank Account from the drop down on the Payment Information page, then follow the steps.
Volunteer Management
Volunteers are the success of our programs! Learn how to manage your volunteers and maximize the support you give to long islanders in need. This workshop includes recruitment; training; special challenges; retention; and volunteer appreciation. Includes a discussion portion where you can share your issues and get advice from other agencies.
Stretching Food Dollars
To help people on tight budgets make healthy food choices. By learning tips to save money and stretch food dollars, people can put more healthy foods on the table.
Advocacy 101
Identifying the main federal and state nutrition programs and actions you can take to make them stronger and more responsive.
The Truth About Expiration Dates
What do expiration dates really mean? This session will provide training to meet both LI Cares and HPNAP requirements for Food Safety & Training Workshops.
Civil Rights Workshop 2022
USDA requires that all programs distributing or using TEFAP foods attend Annual Civil Rights training. This session will provide training to meet both LI Cares and USDA requirements for Civil Rights Training.
Social Media - Why we need it and Where to begin
An overview of how to start on Social Media, and best practices for success.